Machine learning publications
D. R. Kothadiya, C. M. Bhatt, H. Kharwa, F. Albu, "Hybrid InceptionNet based Enhanced Architecture for Isolated Sign Language Recognition ," IEEE Access , 2024
I. Caciula, G.M. Ionita, H.G. Coanda, D. Coltuc, N. Angelescu, F. Albu , D. Hagiescu, "Wearable Gait Device for Long-Term Monitoring ", Journal of Science and Arts, Issue 3, 2023 .
L. Alzubaidi, J. Bai, A. Al-Sabaawi, J. Santamaría, A. S. Albahri, B. S. N. Al-dabbagh, M. A. Fadhel, M. Manoufali, J. Zhang, A. H. Al-Timemy, Y. Duan, A. Abdullah, L. Farhan, Y. Lu, A. Gupta, F. Albu , A. Abbosh and Y. Gu, "A Survey on Deep Learning Tools Dealing with Data Scarcity: Definitions, Challenges, Solutions, Tips, and Applications ," Journal of Big Data 10, 46, 2023 .
P.G. Patil, T.H. Jaware, S.P. Patil, R.D. Badgujar, F. Albu , I. Mahariq, B. Al-Sheikh, C. Nayak, "Marathi Speech Intelligibility Enhancement using I-AMS based Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier Approach for Hearing Aid Users ", IEEE Access, 2022 .
D. Panigrahy, P.K. Sahu, F. Albu , "Detection of ventricular fibrillation rhythm by using boosted support vector machine with an optimal variable combination ", Vol. 91, May 2021 , Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal , Elsevier .
F. Albu , "Support Vector Machines for Channel Equalization in Hostile Environments ", Revue Roumaine des Sciences Technique , Editura Academiei Romane no. 2, 1999 , pp. 239-247
I. Caciula, N. Angelescu, G. M. Ionita, D. Hagiescu, H. G. Coanda, and F. Albu , "Low Cost Sensor-based Gait Monitoring System ", in Proc. of ECAI 2023
C.-P. Manoila, A. Ciurea, and F. Albu , "smartMRI framework for segmentation of MR images using multiple deep learning methods , " accepted at EHB 2022 conference, Iasi, Romania, Nov. 2022
F. Albu , M. Puica, F. Pirvan, D. Hagiescu, "A Sonification Method using Human Body Movements ", in Proc. of CONTENT 2018, pp. 36-40, February 2018 (best paper award).
F. Albu , D. Hagiescu,L. Vladutu, M. Puica, "Neural network approaches for children's emotion recognition in intelligent learning applications ", in Proc. of EDULEARN 2015 , pp. 3229-3239, 2015 .
F. Albu , D. Hagiescu, M. Puica, L. Vladutu, "Intelligent tutor for first grade children’s handwriting application ", Proceedings of 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference , March 2015 pp. 3708-3717.
F. Albu , D. Martinez, "The application of support vector machines with gaussian kernels for overcoming co-channel interference ", Neural Networks for Signal Processing IX, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Workshop , pp. 49-57, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A, August 1999 . Citations link
F. Albu , D. Martinez, "The application of support vector machines to the reconstruction of binary signals", Proceedings of International Symposium on Communications98 , pp. 387-392, November 1998
F. Albu , D. Martinez, "Support Vector Classifiers: Application to digital communications channel equalization", UKROBRAZ98 , pp. 57-60, October 1998
F. Albu , N. Dumitriu, A. Popescu, An enhanced clustering algorithm for Gaussian RBF networks , Proceedings of International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications , pp. 216-219, September 1998
F. Albu , A. Mateescu, C. Hera, The effect of delay order on a RBF equalizer, Proceedings of International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications , pp. 203-206, September 1998
F. Albu , A. Mateescu, J. C. M. Mota, B. Dorizzi, "Adaptive channel equalization using neural networks ", IEEE ITS'98 , pp. 438-441, August 1998 , Sao Paolo, Brazil,DOI: 10.1109/ITS.1998.718433
F. Albu , B. Dorizzi, J.C.M. Mota, "Variable selection method using statistical sensitivity analysis for radial basis function networks: Application to adaptive channel equalization ", International Symposium on Signal, Circuits & Systems , pp. 449-452, October 1997
F. Albu , A. Mateescu, N. Dumitriu, "Architecture Selection for a Multilayer Feedforward Network ", International Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science , pp. 131-134, October 1997
B. Dorizzi, J.C.M. Mota, F. Albu , "A step towards Equalization for Radio-mobile Channels: Neural Networks and Variable Selection ", Workshop on "Emerging Techniques for Communication Terminals , Toulouse, France, COST 254, July 1997
F. Albu , A. Mateescu, "Application of Multilayer Feedforward Network to the Voiced-Unvoiced-Silence Detection Problem ", Proceedings of International Symposium on Communications'96 , pp. 532-537, November 1996
A. Mateescu, F. Albu et all, chapter "Techniques Neuronales et Applications" of the book " Electronique, Physique et Signal pour les Telecommunications" (in French), Editura TEHNICA , 1997
RO 131754 , Method and device for learning calligraphic writing, March 30, 2017
RO 133105 , Device and method for maintaining physical health and stimulating creativity, September 7, 2018
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