Adaptive Kernel Algorithms
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K. Nishikawa, F. Albu, “Adaptive Kernel Bandwidth Method for Kernel Normalized LMS Adaptive Algorithm ", in Proc. of ICSTCC 2017 , Sinaia, Romania, pp. 482-486.
F. Albu, K. Nishikawa, "Low complexity kernel affine projection-type algorithms with a coherence criterion ", in Proc. of ICSIGSYS 2017 , pp. 87-91.
F. Albu, K. Nishikawa, "New iterative kernel algorithms for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation ", in Proc. of APSIPA 2015 , pp. 734-739.
K. Nishikawa, F. Albu, “Implementation method of kernel adaptive filter as an add-on for a linear adaptive filter ”, in Proc. of EUSIPCO 2015, pp. 2736-2740.
K. Nishikawa, F. Albu, “Consideration on the Performance of Kernel Adaptive Filters for the Mixture of Linear and Non-Linear Environments ", in Proc. of IEEE APSIPA 2014
F. Albu , D. Coltuc, K. Nishikawa, M. Rotaru, "A fixed budget implementation of a new variable step size kernel proportionate NLMS algorithm ", in Proc. of IEEE ICCAS 2014 , pp. 890-894 Best presentation award Picture
K. Nishikawa, Y. Ogawa, and F. Albu , "Fixed Order Implementation of Kernel RLS-DCD Adaptive Filters ", in Proc. of APSIPA 2013 , Kaohshiung, Taiwan, 1-6
Y. Maru, K. Nishikawa, and F. Albu , "Improvement of Convergence Characteristic of KPNLMS Algorithm by Using Multi Kernel Learning", Society Conference of IEICE (in Japanese), no.A-4-25, September 2013
F. Albu , D. Coltuc, K. Nishikawa, M. Rotaru, “An efficient implementation of the kernel affine projection algorithm ”, in Proc. of IEEE ISPA 2013 , Trieste, Italy, pp. 342-346.
F. Albu, K. Nishikawa, “The Kernel Proportionate NLMS Algorithm ”, in Proc. of EUSIPCO 2013
F. Albu, K. Nishikawa, "Nonlinear adaptive filtering with a family of kernel affine projection algorithms" , Handbook of Research on Advanced Intelligent Control Engineering and Automation, pp. 66-89, IGI-GLOBAL, 2015, ISBN: 9781466672482
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