Felix Albu, PhD
I have obtained the BSc degree in Electronics and PhD degree in Telecommunications from Politehnica University of Bucharest in 1993 and 1999 respectively. I've worked as a teaching assistant at the same university from 1993 to 1999. During my PhD studies I have been a visiting researcher for about two years at National Institute of Telecommunications, Evry, France and LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France. I've obtained an extensive research experience as a postdoctoral researcher in University College Dublin, Ireland (1999-2002), and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2004-2005). Also, I've got industrial research experience at Lake Communications, Dublin, from 2002 to 2003 and at Fotonation Romania from 2006 to 2011. I've got the Dr. Habil. certificate in Electronics and Telecommunications in 2014. My Hirsch index is 33 according to Google Scholar, 27 according to Scopus and 24 according to Web of Science. I'm listed in world's top 2% scientists for field-specific standardized citation indicators (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021). I'm an IEEE SPS Senior member since 2013, an Associate Editor of the IEEE Access since 2021. Currently, I'm a Professor at Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania.
I'm interested in collaboration opportunities in academic European/National research projects (contact me at felix.albu@valahia.ro). I have obtained research grants of over 3.300.000 RON (~660,000 Euros). If interested in following a PhD program under my guidance in my area of interests, please send me an email.
Google Scholar citations Publications and patents list Collaborators
My CV (LinkedIn profile) ResearchGate profile
Latest published journal papers:
D. R. Kothadiya, C. M. Bhatt, H. Kharwa, F. Albu, "Hybrid InceptionNet based Enhanced Architecture for Isolated Sign Language Recognition," IEEE Access, 2024
L.-M. Dogariu, C. Paleologu, J. Benesty and F. Albu, "Kalman Filter Using a Third-Order Tensorial Decomposition of the Impulse Response", Applied Sciences 2024, 14(11), 4507
Adaptive filtering for echo cancellation and hearing aids
---> I've proposed numerous affine projection algorithms (variants with variable step size, variable projection order, variable regularization, efficient implementations using Gauss-Seidel, DCD iterations, block based, correntropy criterion based, subband filters, proportionate versions etc. I've proposed RLS and NLMS type of algorithms for different applications (echo cancellation, noise reduction, adaptive feedback cancellation etc). To the best of our knowledge, we have published the first affine projection algorithm using the Gauss-Seidel in 2002 (link) or dichotomous coordinate descent (link) methods in 2005, the first division-less affine projection algorithm in 2003 (link), the first affine projection algorithm with a variable projection order (link) in 2003 and the first affine projection algorithm with two variable parameters (link) in 2011.
Link to publications on adaptive filtering for echo cancellation and hearing aids.
---> I’ve designed new imaging solutions for digital photography industry used in digital image/video stabilization, low-light, panorama 2D/3D, intelligent scene analysis. They were incorporated in digital still cameras and mobile phones. I have numerous granted US patents (US 7,773,118, US 8,155,468, US 7,995,855, US 8,204,330, US 8,212,882, US 8,208,746, US 8,351,726, US 8,199,222, US 8,493,459, US 8,493,460, US 8,587,665, US 8,587,666, US 8,508,652, US 8,649,627, US 8,649,628, US 8,698,924, US 8,705,894,US 8,737,766, US 8,989,516, US 9,160,897, 2 European patents (EP 2160715, EP 2149108) and one Romanian patent (RO 131754).
Link to publications in the Image and Video Processing area.
---> We've proposed numerous recursive least square and affine projection based algorithms for active noise control systems. They've included sparsity-aware approaches, the Gauss-Seidel, or Dichotomous Coordinate Descent methods.
Link to publications in the Active Noise Control area.
---> I've worked in the European High Speed Logarithmic Arithmetic (HSLA) research project. The world's first logarithmic microprocessor was designed and I was involved in developing large signal-processing applications which were used both to prove the design at simulation and FPGA level (link). Some examples are here (useful Matlab and Handel C code). Link to publications in the Logarithmic Number Systems.
---> Voice activity detection: Cepstral-based VAD, Coherence based VAD, Soft VAD based on a Laplacian-Gaussian Model, speech enhancement using spectral subtraction and SVD. Link to publications in Speech Processing.
Neural Networks and Kernel based algorithms
---> I've extended the proportionate idea to kernel algorithms and proposed efficient implementations of various kernel based algorithms. Link to kernel based publications.
---> Several machine learning algorithms have been applied to various applications. Link to machine learning application publications.
My RESEARCHERID profile Scopus Author ID: 6603076663 My ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3240-809X
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